Chapter 4

What happens in chapter 4 is that a ship is seen. The signal fire went out. Hunter went to the hunting spot .Sam and Eric were supposed to tend the fire. Ralph and piggy confront jack. jack does not like piggy because he said he is fat enough.They have a feast and piggy stood up because jack did not want him to get the food. Piggy gets punched in the gut by jack. Piggy glass lens broke . jack is very impulsive. Simon shares with piggy the meat . littlun's follow Simon because he is nice. roger throws rocks at herny but misses him by a little. This is what happened in chapter 4 .

I think that the people should do their job and not go out hunting and doing other things. I think that people should treat piggy the same as other people on the island and not judge him. I think that jack should have tend the fire because they missed a chance to escape the island. I think that people should be doing their own job and then they can do their own hobby later after the job is done.

I think that piggy will not forget what happened and then he will try to get Jack back at what he did because he did not to make other people do things that they did not want to do. What will happen next is that they will start to turn on each other and then they will start to get scared that they will never be rescued again. This Is what I think will happen to the people on the island.


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