Chapter 3

What happened in chapter 3 is jack has  Sandy hair, longer than it had been before; peeling sunburn, darkened freckles; tethered shorts, basically nothing (practically naked). Jack is hunting for the pig because he wants meat. Jack was asking for Water after he came out of the forest and was very thirsty  from trying to kill the pig. The choir boys job was to be the hunters. Jack is trying to kill the pig but is asking that he should get a barb on a stick to kill the pig.

Ralph is upset that he is the only one working with Simon while all the others are doing their own things but when they need things they are going to ralph all the time but they do nothing. Simon and ralph are building a shelter. They want to make the shelter because they do not want to see the beastie the shelter is for some protection. Then Ralph went to look for Simon and thought he was in the pool but he was really in the jungle. Ralph is trying get the people to work together.
Ralph is thinking that all the pigs are going to be at the top of the hill or mountain. Ralph is going to make a shelter with Simon. Jack and the choir boys are the hunters because they did not do their job. Ralph is getting very made because they are not helping him build a shelter to keep the beastie out of the place. Ralph is trying to make people work with each other.


  1. I like the pictures that you had it helped the blog good job

  2. Very nice blog I understood you statement very well

  3. Nice blog. You did a great job incorporating pictures into them. You had some very good material.

  4. You did a great job. You have great photos. Your paragraphs are great.

  5. Mentioned all the major events, and you have a lot of details. Good job buddy!

  6. you did a good job explaining your events and all of your paragraphs are even length nd have plenty of information in the.


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