Chapter 7

In chapter 7 what happened was that jack did not want to go up the mountain because he was scared of the beastie. They find pig droppings and jack thinks that they should go and find a pig to kill. Jack gets hurt with a blooded arm from trying to play a game with. Ralph hits a pig with the stick and learns how jack feels happy when he throws the stick at the piggy. This is what happened in chapter 7 of the story.

      Ralph is trying to kill the pig and feels how jack fells when he kill the piggy and now he wants to kill more pigs. Ralph is going to start to become a lot like jack and he will make his efforts only to kill things or pigs. Ralph is going to make a civilization in killing pigs. This is how ralph will change in chapter 8 in the story.

What will happen next is that they are all going to start to turn on each other than the numbers o n the island will start to get smaller. This is what I think will happen in the chapter 8 because they will make more mistakes and cannot take them back. This is what I think will happen in chapter 8. Ralph will start to become crazy and will kill someone.


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