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Final Blog

What happened when ralph saw the officer was that ralph said he was the leader of the group. After that I saw the boat that the naval officer had and then I went with him. After I was with the officer he got some of the other kids to join him to go home and one of the other kids were jack. Jack looked sad and was mad because he could had made his civilation bigger and kept it going still. The naval officer was telling them that they were luck to even survive on the island. What happen when they went home was that they go to the naval place just to get check up about what happened on the island. Then they found out that jack and the other people killed people then the naval people have to tell there parents that they killed someone. After that they stay back to answer more questions about how they die on the island. The naval officer makes the descion to send them home or send them to jail for killing someone. This is what happened in the time they were in the naval office. My paren...

Chapter 12

In chapter 12 what happened was that roger tried to kill ralph with the stick that was sharp on both ends. When one of the twins leave they give ralph a piece of meat to have. After ralph leaves they beat up Sam. The chief and roger know where ralph is hiding because of the twins told them where he was hiding. The only two opinions that ralph had was that he could stay hiding where he was or he could climb up a tree.

Chapter 11

In this chapter 11 they all try to find the things they will need to have to live. Ralphs group is going to be smaller than jack group. People on the island are going crazy because they could not fined piggy's glasses and jack took them. Ralph calls jack a theft because he stole piggy's glasses from the side ralphs group was on. This is what happened in chapter 11.

Chapter 10

Ralph is one of the three boys on his side of the island because all the other boys went to jacks side of the island. Ralph feels guilty about killing Simon and ralph recalls seeing a dead man in a parachute. When piggy, Sam , And ralph are sleeping jack go's to there side of the island and takes the glass from piggy. All the people on Ralphs side of the island were going to keep the fire going with 2 guards and they will guards will keep the fire going for 12 hours. The way ralphs side is looking there might be no survires on the ralphs side of the island anymore.

Chapter 9

Ralph is trying to keep control of the events that go on so they do not lose control of everyone on the island that is on the part of the island where jack groups is staying. Jack said that the conch shell has zero control of all of the people and the conch shell has no power anymore. Ralph is trying to make the group stay together as one whole but jack has most of the group on his part of the island. Ralph is going to worry about jacks side of the island and Ralph is going to not do anything on his island until he figures out what jack is doing on is part of the island.

Chapter 8

What happens in chapter 8 is that the boys went to go find the beast on the mountain. Jack leaves the group and calls ralph a coward because ralph did not want to the mountain to find the beastie. Jack tries to make ralph deprived of his leadership role in the group. Ralph is clue-less on what to do with the group. Jack told the other to leave if they like his mentally. This is what happens in chapter 8 of the lord of the flies. Ralph is going to most likely go up the mountain and try to see the beastie. Ralph is going to keep as many people to be in his group. Ralph is going to make the people think different about him. Ralph is trying to keep the group together. ralph is still the leader in the group. This is what ralph is going to do.  What will happen next is that they will make the people think that they will do a lot of different things in there life at the island and make more jobs. Jack left and piggy is happy that jack left and so is ralph. this is why I think that...

Chapter 7

In chapter 7 what happened was that jack did not want to go up the mountain because he was scared of the beastie. They find pig droppings and jack thinks that they should go and find a pig to kill. Jack gets hurt with a blooded arm from trying to play a game with. Ralph hits a pig with the stick and learns how jack feels happy when he throws the stick at the piggy. This is what happened in chapter 7 of the story.       Ralph is trying to kill the pig and feels how jack fells when he kill the piggy and now he wants to kill more pigs. Ralph is going to start to become a lot like jack and he will make his efforts only to kill things or pigs. Ralph is going to make a civilization in killing pigs. This is how ralph will change in chapter 8 in the story. What will happen next is that they are all going to start to turn on each other than the numbers o n the island will start to get smaller. This is what I think will happen in the chapter 8 because t...

Chapter 6

In Chapter 6 there is a man in a parachute that is dead because there was planes in a dogfight and the pilot was dead and fell off the plane.  Then ralph loses control of the group and then they have no more hope in him as leader. All the boys start to do there own thing on the island and will not pay any mind to Ralph. The boys started to get very scared because the beastie is going to intensive and then they find a dead man on the island. Ralph is trying to get the group to do what they have to do to get off the island and go back home to England. Ralph is doubting himself that he is not a good leader. Ralph thinks that they should go in groups to find the beastie on the island. Ralph is trying his best so ralph does not take control of the island. Ralph is doing the best he can to be a good leader. What will happen next is that they will have to start to make a bridge to get off the island or making a boat ...

Chapter 5

What happens in chapter 5 is that they have a meeting for the failures of the group of boys. The boys do not want to use the toilets that they have to use they use the toilet in a different places. They do not want to build the shelter or gather water for the group to drink.   Ralph reminds them about how they need the fire signal to get rescued so they can live the island. The beastie now is intensifying for the littlun in their dreams but ralph reminds them that there is no beastie on the island.     Ralph is trying to assure them that there is not beastie on the island. Ralph thinks that they need a fire signal to get rescued. Ralph called a meeting so they can hear what they are not doing because they are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. Ralph got woken up by a littlun because the littlun though that he saw the beastie. Ralph's thinks that there is no beastie but jack thinks there is a beastie.       Ralph I think is ...


The conch shell represents civilization because the conch shell helps them make the meetings and gets the attention of the people on the island. The conch shell helps the people because if you have the conch shell that means you can speak and if you do not have the conch shell you cannot speak. Ralph is the only one who can speak without the conch shell. The conch shell is used for civilization for the people on the island. This is how the conch shell is a symbol in lord of the flies.   Piggy's glasses represents vision because the Glasses are used to make the fire so they can get rescued. Piggy's glasses are used for piggy to see and for piggy to make the fire start. Piggy's glasses broke because of jack punching him and then his glass fell off of pig. Only half of pigs glass lenses broke and now they only have one fire starters. This is how piggy glasses are a symbol of vision.     The fire represents the hope that they can leave the island and whe...

Chapter 4

What happens in chapter 4 is that a ship is seen. The signal fire went out. Hunter went to the hunting spot .Sam and Eric were supposed to tend the fire. Ralph and piggy confront jack. jack does not like piggy because he said he is fat enough.They have a feast and piggy stood up because jack did not want him to get the food. Piggy gets punched in the gut by jack. Piggy glass lens broke . jack is very impulsive. Simon shares with piggy the meat . littlun's follow Simon because he is nice. roger throws rocks at herny but misses him by a little. This is what happened in chapter 4 .   I think that the people should do their job and not go out hunting and doing other things. I think that people should treat piggy the same as other people on the island and not judge him. I think that jack should have tend the fire because they missed a chance to escape the island. I think that people should be doing their own job and then they can do their own hobby later after the job is don...

What is the beastie?

The littlun's think the beastie is a big snake. Ralph thinks the beastie is the littlun's imagination and there nightmares.Piggy does not believe in the Beastie and thinks it is fake. Simon thinks the beastie is in everyone because all the people on the island can be evil or mean. Jack wants to kill the beastie and he does not care what it is he is going to kill the beastie. These are what the characters think of what the beastie is going to be.   I think the beastie is in all of them because they will all turn on each other. I think that ralph will become mad and then he will have a little beastie in them. This is how I think that they all have beastie in them.

Chapter 3

What happened in chapter 3 is jack has   Sandy hair, longer than it had been before; peeling sunburn, darkened freckles; tethered shorts, basically nothing (practically naked). Jack is hunting for the pig because he wants meat. Jack was asking for Water after he came out of the forest and was very thirsty   from trying to kill the pig. The choir boys job was to be the hunters. Jack is trying to kill the pig but is asking that he should get a barb on a stick to kill the pig.   Ralph is upset that he is the only one working with Simon while all the others are doing their own things but when they need things they are going to ralph all the time but they do nothing. Simon and ralph are building a shelter. They want to make the shelter because they do not want to see the beastie the shelter is for some protection. Then Ralph went to look for Simon and thought he was in the pool but he was really in the jungle. Ralph is trying get the people to work together. ...

chapter 2

  Ralph established the meeting with his conch shell. The rule that ralph established was that if can speak only if you have the conch. Ralph is the only one who can speak without the conch shell. Ralph is saying that they should make a fire on top of the mountain to get them self's rescued of the island.   Jack remind Ralph of the pig (beastie) that is stuck in the undergrowth.           Ralph is the leader and he is trying to the island organized and give people jobs to do and he give jack the job to hunt for the pig. Jacks group of hunters are supposed to keep the fire signal and they go hunting and the fire goes out and then a ship passes by and then they lose the chance to get rescued from the island. Ralph is trying to get the island to work together so they can get off the island and go back to their regular life. Ralph is trying to do many things at once because the people are not doing their job.     ...

Conch Shell

The conch symbolizes the civilization and is used for the meetings. The conch shell is important because people need the conch shell to talk if people do not have the conch you cannot speak. Who uses the conch shell is ralph to call the meetings. When it is used is to call the meetings and for the people to speak to have organization. Conch shell is used to get people to meet up to have a meeting .         

Chapter 1

Dear diary , I am Ralph and I experienced a plane getting cut in half and I think I saw the plane's front half on fire. I am 12 years old and I have blond hair. I forgot to tell you that my dad is a commander in the navy. I think that we should make a fire so planes or boats could see us on the island and that we need help to get of the island. I think I should give piggy the job to get the names of the people on the island. I saw a pig today and jack scared the pig away. I am from England and I meet piggy and I went to explore the island and we found more people on the island from the plane crash. I met jack and a few other people on the island  and jack thinks that he is a good leader. I think that jack should be a hunter. I do not know why jack wants to kill the pig so bad. I do not know why jack is trying to look or act like he is a leader. I think I know why Jack is trying to be the leader because he think that because he is t...

D-day Journal

How William Golding was affected by being part of D-day because he saw all of the dead bodies on the beach and he had to try to swim and not drowned and after that he had to get on to the beach and survive then he has to get to the top and then he can start to fight the Germans. Golding question of the goodness of mankind was that he did not know why people just wanted to kill other people. I think that I a man is not born to kill or to not kill I think it is how they think there mentally. This affected Golding because he saw a lot of people die in the war. This is why I think William Golding is affected by the D-day and the deaths of it.   The next thing that happens is that he is trying not to think of all of the people dead. William Goodling is thinks that mankind should not be brought to kill other people that try to defend their own rights in the freedom of them self's. This is why I think that this is going to affect Golding in his future. People should not judge other p...